Portable Electric Vibrator | Vibrator Beton
Portable Electric Dingo Specification *Portable concrete vibrator. *Dual purpose exoskeleton framework serves as a set of handles and protection.
Reinforced cable at motor outlet. *Extra strong housing *Having three different handles to choose from results in a very versatile drive unit. *Anti-abrasion hose with integrated mesh reinforcement and interior strapping. *Removable and adjustable belt. *Water resistant switch. *Flexible shafts from 1 m to 5 m long. *Poker heads in varied diameter sizes, 25, 38, 40 mm.
Dingo Portable Vibrator specification Dingo Portable Vibrator Type Dingo 230V Frequency (Hz) 50-60 Vibration Frequency (rpm) 18.000 Power (W) 2.300 Capacity (m3/h) Weight (kg) 5.4 Dimension (mm) 244 x 245 x 229
Type AX25 Frequency (Hz) - Vibration Frequency (rpm) 14.000 Power (W) - Capacity (m3/h) 10 Weight (kg) 8 Dimension (mm) 25 x 300
Type AX38/40 Frequency (Hz) - Vibration Frequency (rpm) 13.500 Power (W) - Capacity (m3/h) 17 Weight (kg) 8.9 Dimension (mm) 38 x 345
Contact Person : Bp. M.IHFAN Workshop : 0251 754 5040 Simpati / AS : 0852 9229 4040 XL Axiata : 0878 9229 4040 IM3 / Mentari : 0857 1777 4040 e-mail : [email protected]
Office : Puri Delta Kencana Jl. Raya Kalimurni Blok J No.6 RT 006 / RW 001 Kelurahan Kencana / Kecamatan Tanah Sareal Kota Bogor 16167
Workshop : Jl. Raya Kencana II No.25D RT 001 RW 009 Kelurahan Kencana / Kecamatan Tanah Sareal Kota Bogor 16167
Website : www.cvkencanajayateknik.com www.kencanajayateknik.com www.cvkencanajayateknik.indonetwork.co.id www.kencanajayateknik.indonetwork.co.id www.peralatansadapkaret.com www.pabrikasipertanian.com www.peralatanjalan.com www.peralatanbor.com
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